These are drystrengthadditivesdesignedforincreasingdoublefolds,BurstFactor,Breaking length,CrushingtestinKraft,Duplex,WritingPrinting,Tissues&otherSpecialtyPapers. These are complex cross Linked formulated polymer compounds, which are added back in the system after refining for proper hydrogen bonding in the fiber sand fines(fibrons).They improve rattling/Stiffnessofpaper.ItcanbeusedoverawiderangeofpHlikeacidic,Neutraloralkaline sizing.Theydonotgiveanyhindrancetoanychemicalsandactindependently.Dosesvaryfrom 1.5TO2.5kg per ton depending upon the improvements desired.These can be used for producing food grade paper sand board also.
Product data:
Ionic Character Cationic
Active Contents 12 Percent 2 Percent
Appearance Colourless to light yellow Colour Clear Viscous liquid Free from visible impurities.
Molecular Wt. Low
pH 6.5to7.5
Viscosity 2000Cps Brooke field Viscometer
Advantages of HY-BOND Dry strength Resin
Main benefits
1.Improvementofminimum10 Percent in stiffness.
2.Reductionofimportedpulp/waste paper in top and protective layer.
4.ImprovementofBF Tearin Kraft Board.
5.Reductionofstrengthaftercoolingatclients place is much less as compared to normal other
additives because of internal bonding.